In a world of have's and have-not's, this is my take on the current celeb situation.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Pink overdosed on drugs!!... 1995. Phew!! The amazing pop-punk singer/songwriter recently admitted to a close call with death.

In her own words, Pink reveals:
"I understand addiction. I was a hardcore partyer from 12 to 15… [I was] on all the club drugs… selling Ecstasy and crystal meth and Special K. I overdosed in ’95, and then I never took drugs again, ever."

I have to share my opinion on this because Hollywood is so full of drug loving, hard-partying people. This lifestyle seems to love both men and women equally, hence Charlie Sheen and Lindsay Lohan among the recent victims. Do they choose this lifestyle? Or is it put upon them? Is it a way to self-medicate and escape the stresses and high-pressure day to day lifestyle? Maybe it's both. Maybe this is the social norm in Hollywood and in order to fit in with the in-crowd, you have to, as they say "when in Rome, do as the Romans." This is tough, and unfortunate, for many young talented industry folks fall victim to a vicious party/work life that has destroyed many people who are not strong enough to overcome such an environment. Hollywood is tough. I get that.

I for one, appreciate a pop artist, who not only sings and writes her own songs, but also sings her own songs LIVE when on camera!! Which is rare anymore, to be truthful. Many artists choose to sing their songs with a 90% pre-recorded mix and only 10% of their actual voice to be live. I have much respect for Pink, and her extreme tried and true music and talents. I am so grateful that Pink did overcome the drug stage and live to become a successful female artist, with a beautiful family. Keep setting a good example and doin your thing, Pink!

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